[pracjourn-forum] Re: A weird error (and broader issues)

Tze KWANG Teo tzeteo at uiuc.edu
Fri May 6 19:10:37 CEST 2005

Peter Flom has mentioned that he absolutely requires -
pstricks- for his typesetting, thus he takes the "latex to 
dvips to ps2pdf/Distiller" route. I wonder if the experienced 
users on this forum would recommend trying the -ps4pdf- 

Here's a description from the CTAN catalog:


"This LaTeX package provides a new way to use Postscript 
commands (e.g., PSTricks graphics, PSfrag replacements, EPS 
graphics) inside a pdfLaTeX processed document. You need 
recent versions of the LaTeX packages preview, ifpdf, 
`ifvtex' and a new LaTeX base installation. All Postscript 
related commands, including `\usepackage', must be a 
parameter of the `PSforPDF' macro. For details see the test 
file `ps4pdf-test.tex'. The PDF document is generated via 
dvips and ps2pdf. The author is Rolf Niepraschk."


PS. My research also involves the use of (applied) 
statistics. I simply cannot imagine having to typeset 
statistical tables and equations using Word's Equation 
Editor. (Well, even the imagining part would be incredibly 

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