[pgf-tikz] Creating directed graphs with edge labels

Eric Gorr ericgorr at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 22:05:43 CET 2020

I would like to create a directed graph with edge labels with the following

   1. edge labels do not overlap with each other
   2. edge labels do not overlap edges
   3. edge labels are drawn along the edge.

For example, I can use the following graphviz graph

digraph G {    splines=line;    rankdir=LR;    A -> B [label="a long
label"];    A -> C [label="a long label"];    A -> A [label="a very
long label"];    A -> A [label="a very long label"];    A -> D
[label="a long label"];}

to generate https://i.stack.imgur.com/34uVM.png

However, it does not seem possible to obtain a graph with edge labels with
the three properties.

Is creating a graph like this using PGF TIKZ possible? If so, any examples
for how to do so would be helpful.

Thank you.
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