[persiantex] Resetting footnote counter on each page

persian-tex at tug.org persian-tex at tug.org
Wed Oct 3 07:24:23 CEST 2018

Dear All

I firstly would like to welcome each of you to our 
Persian TeX discussion mailing list and hope that
we have some awesome TeX discussions here.

If you ever wanted to reset the footnote counter 
on each page of the document, you could use
one of the packages `footmisc', `perpage' and
`zref-perpage' packages. The `footmisc' package
have been known to not do the task correctly
in some special cases.

As of version 34.1 of the `bidi' package and version
21.6 of the `xepersian' package, the option
`perpagefootnote' allows you to reset footnote
counter on each page of the document. This is done
internally by the newly written package `bidi-perpagefootnote'
without loading any external packages. The `bidi-perpagefootnote'
package is a light and fast package which is a part of the `bidi'
package since version 34.1.

To get correct footnote numbering, two runs are required and in fact
since version 34.2 of the `bidi' package, you get a warning on the
first run which looks like this

Package bidi-perpagefootnote Warning: Footnote(s) number(s) may be wrong. Rerun

 to get footnote(s) number(s) right.

So to summarize this. if you need to reset footnote counter on every 
page, you do not need to load any of the packages `footmisc', 
`perpage' and `zref-perpage'. All you have to do is passing the
option `perpagefootnote' to the `bidi' or `xepersian' packages
(depending on which package you use). So


will reset footnote counter on each page for you.

Happy TeXing!

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