[pdftex] Using a truetype font in a lualatex document

Haines Brown haines at histomat.net
Sat Jul 9 00:20:04 CEST 2022

I'm trying to convert a LateX template to lualatex and having trouble 
with a truetype font. I'm runing Linux. 

I downloaded the zip file for a TrueType Computer Modern Dunhill 
Regular font. I unipped it and copied the resulting .ttf file to a 
directory in my font paths. I copied it as 'CM Dunhill Regular.ttf', 
CM_Dunhiull.ttf and as Dunhill.ttf because I was unsure of which was 

I then ran $ fc-cache -f -v

As the result: 

  $ fc-cache -f -v | grep Dunhill
  /home/haines/.local/share/fonts/Unknown Vendor/TrueType/CM_Dunhill : 
    caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
  /home/haines/.local/share/fonts/Unknown Vendor/TrueType/CM_Dunhill 
    : skipping, looped directory detected

Then I try to use the font in a document
  \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}


    {\fontspec{CM_Dunhill} Dunhill} test 


But errors. One is a list of missing unicode characters such as

  Missing character: There is no l (U+006C) in font CM_Dunhill:mode=node;language=

Another is 

  (file /home/haines/.local/share/fonts/Unknown Vendor/TrueType/CM_Dunhill 
    /CM_Dunhill__Regular_.ttf) (type 2): there are no glyphs in the 

Haines Brown

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