[pdftex] Ambiguity in pdfTeX user manual syntax description

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sun Jul 3 23:25:22 CEST 2016

Hi Doug,

   Should this sentence start with
       The œò§èopen-action specœò§é is the action œôó¦

Certainly yes.  Well, it could be yet better written than that, but
that's the basic correction.  I will fix the manual.

I.e., if the TeX source says
  \pdfcatalog /PageMode openaction /UseOutlines
the semantic open action written into the PDF file will be /UseOutlines.  Etc.

(At least, I assume so -- I can't say I've actually tried it.)
The "openaction" literal is just a literal, as I'm sure you figured
all along :).

I see a variety of other fixes and improvements, e.g., the current text
refers to Table 4, but now the list of actions is Table 5 (in the
current manual, maybe not in the old version you're looking at).


P.S. How goes literac and jsbox?

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