[pdftex] Man page for pdftosrc

Hartmut Henkel hartmut_henkel at gmx.de
Wed Nov 2 19:49:37 CET 2005

On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Frank Küster wrote:

> Thomas, will you remove pdftosrc from teTeX; pdftex people, will you
> remove it from the pdftex distribution?

Why? What's wrong with it? Pdftosrc has various useful applications:

* extracting and uncompressing object streams, given their number
* verifying underlying xpdf functionality with new xpdf releases
* a really nice and instructive example how to write C code for
  accessing PDF objects via xpdf
* adds to the program variety in free software culture (user's choice)

I personally like it, have been using it quite often to check stream
contents. Pdftk can't do this in batch mode, given a single object
number. IMHO no point to remove it.

If it's only the man page, this can be done. I mean a generic,
traditional manpage (e. g. pdftosrc has nothing to do with TeX). But why
hurry? The program is perfect.

Regards, Hartmut

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