[pdftex] errors from AR caused by color package

Thomas Esser te at dbs.uni-hannover.de
Sun May 23 08:57:57 CEST 2004

> >Does it make a difference if you say
> >\RequirePackage[pdftex]{color} ?
> Aha! Yes, that cures all the problems! Thanks!!

With better config files, the right driver should be chosen automatically.
Find teTeX's current config files for color / graphics / hyperref

-------------- next part --------------
  [2001/08/31 v1.1 color configuration of teTeX/TeXLive]

% Select an appropriate default driver
  \chardef\x=0 %
  % check pdfTeX
      \chardef\x=1 %
  % check VTeX
    \chardef\x=2 %
  % default case
  % pdfTeX is running in pdf mode
  % VTeX is running
-------------- next part --------------
  [2001/08/31 v1.1 graphics configuration of teTeX/TeXLive]

% Select an appropriate default driver
  \chardef\x=0 %
  % check pdfTeX
      \chardef\x=1 %
  % check VTeX
    \chardef\x=2 %
  % default case
  % pdfTeX is running in pdf mode
  % VTeX is running

% Fix for dvips and xdvi versions that can uncompress
% graphic files without an explicite call of gunzip.
% (The fix is not applied for miniltx.tex, because
% \AtEndOfPackage is not available in plainTeX.)
\expandafter\ifx\csname AtEndOfPackage\endcsname\relax
      \ifx\x\Gin at driver
-------------- next part --------------
  [2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive and teTeX]
% Change default driver to "dvips" instead of "hypertex",
% requires hyperref 2002/06/05 v6.72s
\providecommand*{\Hy at defaultdriver}{hdvips}%

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