[pdftex] pdflatex problem with bibtex URL entries using underscore

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Tue Mar 12 18:24:20 CET 2002

> The BibTeX styles used in my LaTeX wrapper files which are used to
> typeset every bibliography before installation in the archives.  These
> styles output URLs wrapped inside macros, like this one from
> compj.bib:
> ...
> \ifx \path       \undefined \input path.sty               \fi
> ...
> \path|http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_17/Issue_02/tiff/192.tif|

how do you deal with overlong lines?  that one is 80 characters, so
bibtex will split it.  how does \path deal with that?

personally, i would use \url from url.sty (which doesn't mind spaces
in urls unless you tell it to) or \url from hyperref.sty (which has
code to deal with this particular bibtex misfeature).

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