[metapost] Fix formatting glitches.

Andreas Scherer andreas_tex at freenet.de
Sun May 12 11:28:39 CEST 2024

Hello, Luigi,

Am 10.05.24 um 11:58 schrieb luigi scarso:
> Thank you very much, I will check it  this weekend.

Over the holiday I skimmed MP.PDF some more and created an extended set 
of patches for MP.W from the TeX Live source tree. These address about 
half of MP.PDF up to section '819. Conditional processing.'

Patches 0002--0009 cover my previous submission.

To apply these patches to MP.W in the TeX Live source tree I suggest:

$ cd /path/to/texlive-source/
$ for p in {0002..0118}
 > do git am --directory texk/web2c/mplibdir/ \
 > /path/to/mp/patches/$p-*.patch
 > done

(Start with '0002-Fix-section-3.patch' to match your configuration.)

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