[metapost] Fix formatting glitches.

Andreas Scherer andreas_tex at freenet.de
Fri May 10 11:40:40 CEST 2024

Dear reader,

the attached git-generated patch file---as always prepared with loving 
care---contains CWEB-related changes that try to fix the more obvious 
formatting glitches in the first 44 sections of MP.W, i.e., chapters 

Of course, these changes address only a tiny fraction of the MP.W source 
file. I do not have the resources to dig into the CWEB code of the 
MetaPost system more seriously at this time. Obviously, there is a lot 
of work to do in order to prepare even this one---albeit the 
largest---source module of MetaPost for inclusion in the 
https://ctan.org/pkg/knuth-pdf and https://ctan.org/pkg/knuth-hint 
packages anytime soon. Volunteers welcome!

Happy hacking!
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