[metapost] a problem of label when using metapost

Dan Luecking luecking at uark.edu
Wed Nov 16 17:13:23 CET 2011

At 07:17 PM 11/15/2011, source liu wrote:
> > % near the top of your .mp file:
> > verbatimtex
> >  %&latex
> >  \documentclass{article}
> >  % \usepackage commands here
> >  \begin{document}
> > etex
> > %...
> > % then later in your figure:
> > label.top(btex *something here* etex, z1);
> > label.bot(btex *something else* etex, z2);
> > %...
> > --------------------------------
> >
> > If that doesn't work, prepare a short, but complete,
> > figure file that fails for you and include that in your
> > next email.

By "figure file" I meant the .mp file that _tries_ to
produce a figure with a label, but fails. Sorry for the

It is really hard to help without such a file. Computer
programs are fickle; something as simple as an incorrect
command several lines earlier could be the problem. We need
to see a small example file. It can be as simple as a
verbatimtex section followed by a figure with only labels in
it (provided it reproduces the problem you have described).

Please also include a copy of the log file produced by
the failed run.

>and i find the
>$tex mproof something.eps
>gave me a error message,

It us useless to say "an error message": tell us *exactly*
what error message. By the way, mproof generally works best
if the prologues variable is left equal to 0.

>even with the eps which was generated without label(
>eps seem to be correct, as i can include in tex file, or view with

This is odd, the only thing mproof.tex does is include the figure in

>and the invoking of TeX(related) failed on either my work computer or my P.C.

I can't tell what this means.

>mpost -tex=latex(or plain, or tex)
>pity none of them works.

How does it fail? (Provide exact error messages, and perhaps a copy
of the log file.)


Daniel H. Luecking
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Fayetteville, Arkansas

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