Compile error with MacTeX 2024 on Mac OS Ventura

Keith J Devlin kdevlin at
Sun Jun 30 16:08:18 CEST 2024

Thanks. I have run the compile many times, so that’s not the issue. I also opened the aux file and all the page reference numbers are there. It’s just that TeXShop isn’t reading them (or at least it isn’t displaying them in the output file).  It was the sheer weirdness of this issue that caused my to put out a call.

But I’ll try your forensics suggestions.

Keith Devlin, Mathematician
Stanford University, Emeritus

Home page:

On Jun 30, 2024, at 7:01 AM, Herbert Schulz <herbs2 at<mailto:herbs2 at>> wrote:

On Jun 30, 2024, at 7:28 AM, Keith J Devlin <kdevlin at<mailto:kdevlin at>> wrote:


I have a Mac running Monterey and another running Ventura, synched over iCloud.

MacTeX 2024 runs perfectly on the Monterey machine.

But when running MacTeX 2024 on Ventura with the identical project folder,   \pageref   does not display the pages in the PDF output. As far as I can tell, that is the only thing that fails in the compile.

I’ve tried deleting the aux file on Ventura but that does not fix the issue.

Presumably a pathway problem, but that’s a level I’m not familiar with.

Any suggestions?


Keith Devlin, Mathematician
Stanford University, Emeritus

Home page:


Note that it takes mutiple (at least two but it could be more) typesetting passes for \pageref to show a result. How are you typesetting on the two systems? E.g., using latexmk will automate the reprocessing but just using (pdf/lua/xe)latex once will b not give a result.

Also compare the .log files from each system. For the same input file they should be the same so differences there may give you a clue.

Finally, place the line


before the \documentclass command to get a list of all files and packages and version numbers being loaded so you can compare the differences in typesetting.

Hope this helps.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
herbs2 at<mailto:herbs2 at>

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