A weird situation downloading MacTeX.pkg 2023

Herbert Schulz herbs2 at mac.com
Thu Mar 14 18:16:23 CET 2024

> On Mar 14, 2024, at 11:11 AM, Milton Emigdio Quiroga Becerra <mquiroga at uniandes.edu.co> wrote:
> Hi, may be some of you can help me. 
> In the download page for MacTeX 2023, appears the following hash values for verification:
> The MD5 sum is fbdf86b3f8c139f515ac26094d7df84c
> The SHA512 sum is 0ff569be6af3e658b4a60e2b89bf10c41b9bae38bdaee60021c69aea238d2436886c0883954ab0a64394d9a6e080958b2fc82f91ac5c4dfe9e1de32df46efd49
> But when I tried in my computer I got:
> shasum -a 512 MacTeX.pkg 
> 72ac41651260989d9c08c1e46c1beb165aafe1adf1d028a132c5c3f656c8318eb3943a7c314920aec27cb2937242c9e902c585e8866cd5a40cc3139814f04372  MacTeX.pkg
> md5 MacTeX.pkg 
> MD5 (MacTeX.pkg) = fbdf86b3f8c139f515ac26094d7df84c
> So the md5 value is correct, but the SHA-512 is wrong.
> Is this distribution tainted?
> Thanks,
> Milton q.


TeX Live 2024 and MacTeX-2024 have just been released and the repositories are in a state of flux. Once we see stability the web pages will be updated for MacTeX-2024. What you are seeing is transitory until these pages are updated. Please be patient since we expect the changes to take place in the next few days.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
herbs2 at mac.com

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