Installing MacTeX

Anthony Davison anthony.davison at
Mon Nov 27 16:12:32 CET 2023

Dear support,

I am trying to update the antique (2015!) version of TeX on my iMac (version from 2022, last Ventura) and although I can download it and have admin abilities, when I try and install, it starts to look for places to put the files, then gives the error below.

Your web pages say that this is due to a faulty checksum, but that appears to be correct:

mathaamac9:~ davison$ md5 /Users/davison/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Mac\ \(2\)/Desktop/MacTeX.pkg

MD5 (/Users/davison/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Mac (2)/Desktop/MacTeX.pkg) = 64416e6da409609c48970e23906e7642

I get the same error if I try and update Ghostview (my version is also antique).

I was able to do the upgrade at home on a machine of exactly the same vintage, but running Sonoma.

My TeXShop is up to date, so it’s only the TeXLive files I want to change.  Can you help?

With thanks and best regards,

Anthony Davison

[Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 15.58.34.png]
Professor A. C. Davison
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne
Switzerland Tel: + 41 (0)21 693 5502
Sec: + 41 (0)21 693 5456

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