Can't run MacTeX from command line

Herbert Schulz herbs2 at
Sat Jul 1 14:21:07 CEST 2023

> On Jul 1, 2023, at 3:39 AM, Stephen Cox <stephenjcox3 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just installed TeX Live on MacBook running Ventura 13.4.1
> Seems to work fine from the Tex Live app but I can’t make it work from the command line (which I prefer to use) despite doing:
> MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/doc/man:$MANPATH; export MANPATH 
> INFOPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/doc/info:$INFOPATH; export INFOPATH
> and confirming that these environment variables are defined as above. 
> >> echo $MANPATH
> /usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/doc/man:
> >> echo $INFOPATH
> /usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/doc/info:
> The documentation stated:
> You can switch back and forth between TEX Live 2023 and your old distribution by using the program TeX Live Utility in /Applications/TeX. Run this program and select the menu item “Reconfigure Distributions...” in the Configure menu.
> But the menu item ‘Reconfigure Distributions’ does not appear in the app.


How did you install TeX Live? Did you use the MacTeX installer or do a Unix Install? Please check you PATH variable with

echo $PATH

and see if /Library/TeX/texbin is on the PATH.

If you used the MacTeX installer it probably means you are redefining PATH in your Shell's configuration file and not just prepending or appending to the initial one.

If you did the Unix install please read the paragraph about using `TeXDist-2023` at <> to install the proper data structure and PATH.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
herbs2 at

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