old and new versions of READ ME FIRST

Herbert Schulz herbs2 at mac.com
Fri Apr 7 16:29:09 CEST 2023

> On Apr 6, 2023, at 5:35 PM, Calum Mackay <calum.mackay at cdmnet.org> wrote:
> hi,
> I just installed TL2023, and I notice that my Applications now contains both the 2023 "READ ME FIRST.pdf" in "TeX/" as well as the 2022 version under "TeX/Docs and Spell Utilities".
> That seemed a little odd, so thought I would report it.
> thanks for a great service.
> best wishes,
> calum.


Did you previously install MacTeX-2022? The MacTeX installer doesn't overwrite a previous version of TeX Live or information installed previously.

Unless you removed TeX Live 2022 yourself you now have both versions of TeX Live. This is because there are cases where enough has changed between versions that some of your documents won't typeset under the newer version. You can switch between versions using Tex Live Utility: see the Configure->Change Default TeX Live Version… menu item.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
herbs2 at mac.com

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