[OS X TeX] TeX Hour: Thu 13 Oct: Generating accessible HTML: 6:30 - 7:30pm BST (UK time)

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 19:18:37 CEST 2022


Tomorrow's TeX Hour is "Generating accessible HTML".

I'll report on some accessibility investigations. A tool that writes simple
accessible tables and which is extensible would be an interesting
intermediate goal. Small enough to be practical, large enough to show
difficulties, and common enough to be important.

Perhaps such a tool already exists, and perhaps I can find it.

Date: Thursday 13 October, 6:30 to 7:30 BST (UK time).
Details: https://texhour.github.io/2022/10/13/generate-access-html/
Meeting URL: https://texhour.github.io/about/

The video from last week is available:

wishing you happy TeXing

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