[OS X TeX] wordcount
David Derbes
derbes.physics at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 23:32:15 CET 2022
Hi, Murray.
I don’t actually use TextMate except for its search capacities; oh, now and then I use it as a text editor, but not as a TeX editor. (For a while there, I was using it for Python.) I will attempt to find out the answers to your questions.
With respect to counting words in the PDF, I apologize; I thought you were interested in counting words in the *source*.
Maybe Skim does this?
I’ll get back to you after I do a little homework.
Again, apologies if I have led you down a rabbit hole.
David Derbes
Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 30, 2022, at 4:09 PM, Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenberg at gmail.com> wrote:
> I”ll try asking this here, since two attempts to send the questions to the TextMate mailing list, even after I registered, were rejected because I was not a member of the mailing list.
> 1. How from TextMate/LaTeX bundle does one delete the various auxiliary files (not just .aux, but also .bbl, etc.)?
> 2. How does one count the words in the generated pdf?
> 3. How does one view the typesetting log?
> I _do_ have the LaTeX bundle’s LaTeX Preferences set for “Keep log window open” but am seeing no log window.
>> On Nov 30, 2022, at 1:37 PM, David Derbes <derbes.physics at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Following on Richard’s suggestion, I’d like to put in a plug for Allan Odgaard’s TextMate:
>> https://macromates.com
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TextMate
>> It’s free, and very powerful, particularly for multiple-file searches. With two other guys (David Griffiths and Richard Sohn) I helped to edit a massive manuscript (Sidney Coleman’s Lectures on Quantum Field Theory), 50 chapters, appendices, foreword, preface, etc.; 1200 pages near enough, several hundred illustrations. Really helpful for doing the index (which by itself itself took two months of hard work).
>> Allan or others in the TextMate community have put together bundles for LaTeX and many another programming language or other (e.g. Python, R). My heart belongs to TeXShop (thank you, Dick!!!) for editing, but for searches and word counts, I found TextMate a little easier to work with.
>> David Derbes
>> friendly neighborhood physics teacher (retired)
>> Hyde Park, Chicago
>>> On Nov 28, 2022, at 12:40 AM, Richard Benish <rjbenish at comcast.net> wrote:
>>> Doris,
>>> When I need to know the number of words in my documents, I use the nifty free "word processor" called Bean.
>>> https://bean-osx.com/Bean.html
>>> It's good for lots of other things that do not need to be so pretty as what LaTeX is so good at.
>>> Have fun.
>>> Richard Benish
>>> On 11/27/22 10:23 PM, Doris Behrendt via MacOSX-TeX wrote:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> how can I count the words of a pdf-Document that I generated with LaTeX?
>>>> I tried opening it in MSWord, which showed a always changing number of words, depending on the status of the scrollbar, at the end it gave up scrolling totally;
>>>> I also tried this:
>>>> ps2ascii file.pdf | wc -w
>>>> which worked ok; but I am not sure how pictures and maths etc. are handled when counting like this ...
>>>> I also tried some apps, but was not happy, because my file has over 700 pages and most of the apps needed to copy and paste text ...
>>>> since my file contains lots of math and lots of code and lots of pictures, I just wanted to ask if anyone of you had to count words of such a document before and how you did it?
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> ---
> Murray Eisenberg murrayeisenberg at gmail.com
> Mobile (413)-427-5334
> 503 King Farm Blvd #101
> Rockville, MD 20850-6667
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