[OS X TeX] TeX Hour tomorrow: More on Better Technical Documentation

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 15:54:55 CET 2022


Tomorrow's TeX Hour continues from last month's topic: Better Technical

Date and time: Thursday 17 March, 6:30 to 7:30pm UK (and UTC) time.
UK time now: https://time.is/UK.
Zoom URL:

Last month's meeting was based on a "needs discovery" meeting organised by
Daniele Procida, who I've met several times at UK Python conferences.
Daniele is now one of several Directors of Engineering at Canonical, the
 developers of Ubuntu Linux, where he has special responsibility for
improving both documentation and the process by which it is created.

Daniele is now giving 3 weekly 2 hour workshops to research software
engineers. Tomorrow's TeX Hour is based on my experience of the first two
workshops. Here's my core of last week's workshop.

People have different modes of activity. Common modes are sitting, standing
and lying. Listening, talking and observing. Common modes related to tools
are handling a tool, using a tool, creating a tool and understanding a
tool. Software documentation works better when it fits the mode of
activity. To be useful, this knowledge must be incorporated into experience
and practice.

The third and final workshop next week will be on tooling, with a focus on
the Sphinx system, which was created especially for the core Python
documentation. It's been in use since 2008. The previous system used LaTeX
as the input syntax. Sphinx uses the specially developed RST markup

Last month's TeX Hour on Better Technical Documentation
Last week's TeX Hour on CLI and text interfaces, Python syntax errors

This week's TeX Hour is: Thursday 17 March, 6:30 to 7:30pm UK (and UTC)
UK time now: https://time.is/UK.
Zoom URL:

with best regards

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