[OS X TeX] Installing CM fonts in OS 10.14 Mojave

Juergen Fenn jfenn at gmx.net
Tue Jul 12 00:15:50 CEST 2022

Am 11.07.22 um 23:09 Uhr schrieb Salomon, David:
> I now face the task of downloading and installing the CM fonts, so that
> I could use them in TeX (I plan to use TeXpad, any comments?) as well as
> in other applications such as Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Word.

I've recently migrated to Monterey, installing the lm fonts for this
reason. I suggest you consider the
<https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/lm/> package. The lm fonts
succeeded the cm fonts, so you can use them as a replacement for cm. I
downloaded the zip file from CTAN and opened it (or just the /font
subdirectory, I don't remember, just take a look) in font book. That was
all there was to do.

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