[OS X TeX] MacTeX 2022 checksum failing

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Mon Apr 4 03:01:37 CEST 2022


On Apr 3, 2022, at 5:33 PM, Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenberg at gmail.com<mailto:murrayeisenberg at gmail.com>> wrote:

I did read what tug.org/mactex/maxex-download.html<http://tug.org/mactex/maxex-download.html> said, namely:

The link below leads to a multiplexer which connects to
various CTAN servers. For the first few days of a release, these servers provide
MacTeX-2021 rather than the new release. If the item under the link points to a
2021 file, they all have the old version. Wait a few days after 2022/04/03 before downloading.

t first today, below the MacTeX.pkg link, it showed a 2021 date. But then later today — before I downloaded — that date below changed to 21 March 2022.

The link to MacTeX on our web site, and on other web sites we control and sites we don't control, is to


On the servers, this is a symbolic link, pointing to the latest MacTeX, like mactex-20220321.pkg. Therefore, we can update MacTeX-2022 if a serious error is discovered, without modifying all of those web pages. It also means that when we update from MacTeX-2021 to MacTeX-2022, we don't have to modify all those web pages. This would be error-prone for web pages we control, and impossible for web pages we don't control.

The item under the link names the actual file on TUG's site. But you don't download from that server. Instead, the CTAN servers download from TUG, and users download from these CTAN servers. That's why I wrote "if the item under the link points to a 2021 file, all CTAN servers have the old version" but did not claim that "if the item under the link points to a 2022 file, all CTAN servers have the new version."

Dick Koch

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