[OS X TeX] External Editor Auto Preview Update

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Tue Apr 20 02:57:29 CEST 2021

> On Apr 19, 2021, at 6:17 PM, Roussanka Loukanova <rl.stpuu at gmail.com> wrote:
> Herb,
> Note: You can open ~/Library/TeXShop using TeXShop's TeXShop->Open ~/Library/TeXShop menu item.
> By the way, my TexShop (the newest version 4.62) has a menu item:
> TexShop > File > Open...
> But I can't see a special menu item "Open ~/Library/TeXShop"
> TexShop > File > Open ~/Library/TeXShop
> if you mean literally it.
> I did the installation from Terminal.app
> And the TransparencyTest.tex works perfectly with the latexTR and xelatexTR. The colors are lighter (from previous versions) and transparent.  
> Thanks!!! 
> Now, Aquamacs should be fixed by Win.
> Best Regards,
> Roussanka
> They work wonderfully!
> Thanks!
> Best Regards,
> Roussanka
> Good Luck,


It's not under File but under the TeXShop menu item on the left just to the right of the Apple menu item. So it's TeXShop->Open ~/Library/TeXShop NOT TeXShop->File->... .

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com

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