[OS X TeX] Spell checking

Themis Matsoukas via MacOSX-TeX macosx-tex at email.esm.psu.edu
Sat Sep 5 12:25:17 CEST 2020

To answer my own question: I also had to choose ASpell in the Keyboard tab of the system preferences.


> On Sep 5, 2020, at 6:15 AM, Themis Matsoukas via MacOSX-TeX <macosx-tex at email.esm.psu.edu> wrote:
> Somehow my TS preferences were lost and I had to reset them. But I still can't get get spell checking to work properly. I use Aspell, which in my preferences is configured as shown:
> <Screen Shot 2020-09-05 at 6.08.55 AM.png>
> Still, when I spell check in TS (shift+command+;) all latex commands are flagged. What is the magic trick?
> Themis
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