[OS X TeX] Color preferences

koch at math.uoregon.edu koch at math.uoregon.edu
Mon Nov 2 04:58:29 CET 2020


In the TeXShop Help menu, there is a Changes document which I always keep up to date. If you go to the section of the document for TeXShop 4.08, you'll find an elaborate explanation of how the Themes portion of Preferences works. No direct interaction with the default system is needed, and all hidden preferences for colors have been replaced by the colors that can be directly set in the Themes section.

As for the color of selected text, I believe that can be set in Apple's System Preferences; others on this list can probably give more precise information.

Dick Koch

> On Nov 1, 2020, at 7:35 PM, Alain Schremmer <schremmer.alain at freemathtexts.org> wrote:
> Once upon a time, I was told here that if I wanted a different color for selected text, I should get  a newer version of TeXShop. Out of curiosity—I knew I wouldn’t be able to upgrade, I went on the TeXShop site and, indeed, on the list of versions, there was one where was one where it had become possible to choose colors. 
> Now that I have an up-to-date version (Schuuuuuuultz …), I tried:
> —to go back to the TeXShop site but the list had disappeared,
> -- to change that color in the TeXShop preferences (Themes?) but couldn’t figure out how while vaguely remembering that there were hidden preferences. (Used to be Mail would search the contents of all messages. No more. Or, at least, I am not smart enough to deal with such a smart system as High Sierra.)
> Specifically:
> 1. When I command-click on a word in the pdf, I would like the highlighting in the source to be other than grey because, when I then enlarge the window, I lose it. (Wet macular degeneration.)
> 2. When I type the closing parens/bracket/brace, the whole thing becomes dark red (cheap screen) and I would like to make that red either rosy or, say, 50% transparent. Actually, the dark red would be great if the characters were then white. (Some web stuff does that and I find it super legible.)
> Other than that, I now think I may survive the changes.
> Best to all,
> —schremmer
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