[OS X TeX] Finding which files TeXShop knows to delete

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Thu Jun 11 19:04:25 CEST 2020

Joe Heafner,

Yesterday you asked a question and I replied. My message didn't make it to the list because I subscribed with one email address and posted from a second address. It turns out that this has been a problem for several months, but I ignored it. 

Thanks to Gary Gray, the problem has been fixed. In the meantime, Herbert Schulz answered your question correctly. Below is my slightly shorter answer. 

Richard Koch


"OtherTrashExtensions" is a TeXShop Preference Setting. You can get a complete list of all TeXShop Preference settings and their current values using Terminal in /Applications/Utilities. Type

	defaults read TeXShop

If you already know the name of the Preference Setting which interests you, type

	defaults read TeXShop OtherTrashExtensions

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