[OS X TeX] Problem after TeXLive-2020 upgrade

Elliott Roper elliott at yrl.co.uk
Thu Jul 9 19:41:07 CEST 2020

> On 9 Jul 2020, at 17:40, Vinay K. Ingle <vingle at ece.neu.edu> wrote:
>> Also, now the LaTeXit app does not work properly (no output but no errors either).

I just had this problem

Hidden in the help FAQ is this:
(Q) : I did install LaTeX the way described, but LaTeXiT seems not to be functional either.
(A) : If you have installed TeXShop, then LaTeXiT, then LaTeX, the paths of LaTeXiT may point to a pdflatexc of TeXShop that is not sufficient. Just try before to remove LaTeXiT's Preferences (~/Library/Preferences/fr.chachatelier.pierre.LaTeXiT.plist). You can also try to set by hand the paths in the "composition" pane of the LaTeXiT's preferences.

This bit worked for me
 remove LaTeXiT's Preferences (~/Library/Preferences/fr.chachatelier.pierre.LaTeXiT.plist
Elliott Roper
+44 7454 402200 mobile, facetime
01663 747334 UK landline

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