[OS X TeX] iPad?

Themis Matsoukas via MacOSX-TeX macosx-tex at email.esm.psu.edu
Thu Apr 23 13:28:46 CEST 2020

Hi David,

I have been use my iPad for delivering lectures even before the transition to remote teaching. However, I prepare hand written slides (I use GoodNotes) which allows me to write math content of any complexity without pain. An added advantage is that the material can be exported as PDF and distributed to the students.  Alternatively, I prepare beamer slides on my laptop and transfer them to the iPad. If I could do latex and Mathematica on the iPad I would ditch the laptop. But we are not there yet. My experience is that the iPad is great for reading/reviewing/annotating PDF, making presentations, and for writing by hand (a forgotten pleasure rediscovered). For most other things it feels as if my hands are tied behind my back. 

What the iPad does well, it does incredibly well. If you try to use it for things it's not good at, it will be frustrating. 


> On Apr 23, 2020, at 5:32 AM, David Craig <dac at panix.com> wrote:
> So, I’ve finally caved.
> The need to be able to deliver mathematics and physics remotely has finally persuaded me to purchase a tablet, so an iPad and an Apple pencil are on their way.  
> Last I checked, TeX options for iOS were, well, not great, and code editors even less so.
> What are people doing THESE days, if anything?  What are the best options out there?  
> Ideally, I’d like to set things up so I can edit the same documents on either the iPad or my desktop/laptop without having to fuss with making changes if I move between devices.   That means being able to input my own macros, bibliographies, and such.  So, for example, if I have something in Dropbox or iCloud Drive the same reltaive path will work on either device.  Is that sort of thing possible in iOS these days?  Or is that still a pipe dream?
> Thanks,
> David Craig
> <http://www.panix.com/~dac/>
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