[OS X TeX] LuaTeX/LuaLaTeX?

Gray, Gary L euler at psu.edu
Tue Dec 24 00:30:36 CET 2019

I turned in final grades this afternoon, so I had a few minutes with less than a mountain of stuff to do. David Craig's message prompted me to spend that few minutes digging into LuaTeX. I now kind of understand what it brings to the table, but I am having trouble with a few of details that are important to me. I know the following.

(1) I should not load inputenc -- my source should just be UTF-8.

(2) I should not load fontenc or textcomp and I should load fontspec.

(3) I should not use any package that changes fonts and that I should use fontspec's commands to do so.

With this in mind, I have a few questions.

(1) I know squat about fontspec and the documentation is 70 pages, so what fontspec commands should I be aware of?

(2) I know I can use all my TrueType and OpenType fonts with LuaTeX, but almost all my documents have a lot of math, so how does it set the math if use, say Optima or Charter, as my main font?

(3) The most important question of all -- is there a up-to-date resource that I can go to that is something like "LuaTeX for LaTeX Users" or "Getting Started With LuaTeX"?

All the best and Happy Holidays!

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