[OS X TeX] TeXShop prefs problem.
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Fri Jun 3 02:16:56 CEST 2016
> On Jun 2, 2016, at 7:11 PM, Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 2, 2016, at 6:28 PM, Justin C. Walker <justin at mac.com> wrote:
>> I just noticed this, while using the latest TeXShop on OS X, 10.11.5.
>> The console window keeps popping up, even with “no errors”. I finally became sufficiently curious to open prefs, and found that the setting was “always open”; I changed it to “only on errors”, and went back to TeXing. Again, up popped the window.
>> I garbled around a while, first deciding that maybe I had to quit and restart TeXShop (no); then, maybe it had something to do with the “One Window” environment (no); and finally, I just started TeXShop and w/o opening files, changed the pref again. Still the pref remained set to “always”. Hmm.
>> Next I plunged into the sketchy world of preference files to see for myself. I found these settings:
>> ConsoleBehavior = 1;
>> ConsoleWindowAlpha = "1.00";
>> "NSWindow Frame Console" = "1982 811 517 376 0 0 2560 1578 ";
>> "NSWindow Frame ConsoleWindow" = "734 53 504 452 0 0 1440 877 ";
>> RedConsoleAfterError = NO;
>> First I tried changing “Red…” to YES (it’s labeled a string, not a boolean, but what the heck). No change.
>> Maybe “…behavior” is the right one, but what does “1” mean? And what is “not 1”?
>> At this point, I appear for help!
>> Help!
>> Thanks, as always.
>> Justin
> Howdy,
> Did you try it with the ``old fashioned'' separate window mode?
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
I'm also curious about whether your setting for TeXSuop->Preferences->Typesetting has `Bring Preview Forward' or `Continue Editing' set in the AFter Typesetting section.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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