[OS X TeX] BasicTeX-2015
Richard Koch
koch at uoregon.edu
Sat Apr 18 22:19:22 CEST 2015
TUG has begun the testing period for TeX Live 2015 and associated packages.
A version of BasicTeX-2015 is ready for testing. Mojca Miklavec kindly offered
to host the package on her server:
http://ctan.ijs.si/mirror/mactex/BasicTeX-2015.pkg <http://ctan.ijs.si/mirror/mactex/BasicTeX-2015.pkg>
The md5 sum of this package is b9eb80f893ea65adefcefe0535193b71.
BasicTeX-2015 can exist alongside earlier distributions. It installs a Preference
Pane for Apple’s System Preferences which allows you to easily switch back to
an earlier distribution. The Pane installed when you are running Yosemite
will ask for a password twice, but works fine after that.
TeX Live Utility can be used to upgrade this distribution, but for that to work, you
must configure it to look at one of the pretesting mirrors. See
http://www.tug.org/texlive/pretest.html <http://www.tug.org/texlive/pretest.html>
In a couple of days, we expect to release a testing version of the full
Please report any errors that you encounter See the TUG link just above
for instructions on reporting errors.
Dick Koch
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