[OS X TeX] TeX on iPad

Ralph Martin Ralph.Martin at cs.cardiff.ac.uk
Thu Dec 5 23:24:59 CET 2013


here are some really useful TeX apps for Android:

Detexify: just draw a math symbol, and it will tell you how to type it in LaTeX

VerbTeX: lets you make LaTeX documents in the cloud with your Android device

Confused? Bemused? Annoyed? Now you know how I feel when I see stuff on this list about iPad. 

iPad apps do not run on a Mac. Mac apps do not run on an iPad. So the devices are made by the same company. So what?

I've been using the Internet for more than 30 years. A sad pattern that too often I've seen is lists fade away because they went too far off the original topic. This is a really useful list. Please let's not kill it.

Best wishes

Prof. Ralph Martin                     Phone: +44(0)29 2087 5536
Computer Science & Informatics         Fax:   +44(0)29 2087 4598
Cardiff University               Email: mailto:ralph at cs.cf.ac.uk
5 The Parade, Roath              WWW:  http://ralph.cs.cf.ac.uk/
Cardiff, CF24 3AA, UK         VOIP: sip:ralphmartin at sip2sip.info

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