[OS X TeX] Installing mbboard

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Dec 5 20:47:33 CET 2013

Am 05.12.2013 um 19:10 schrieb Don Green Dragon:

> What I don’t understand is «How is TeXShop finding those fonts files?»

It doesn't. Never. (Because it's just a backend which displays text files in some preferenced font and PDF files in the fonts they use.)

> Is there some further step that should be undertaken, or did your magic line take care of everything?

Yes! First check whether your TeX Live (based) installation already has the package installed. I have for example

	category:    Package
	shortdesc:   A Scientific Times-like font with support for mathematical typesetting.
	longdesc:    XITS is a Times-like font for scientific typesetting with proper mathematical support for modern, Unicode and OpenType capable TeX engines, namely LuaTeX and XeTeX. For use with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX, support is available from the fontspec and unicode-math packages.
	installed:   Yes
	revision:    30782
	sizes:       src: 8269k, doc: 165k, run: 1365k
	relocatable: Yes
	cat-version: 1.107
	cat-date:    2013-05-28 19:52:13 +0200
	cat-license: ofl
	collection:  collection-fontsextra

already installed. So I don't wonder that text or math setting (miraculously) happens.



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