[OS X TeX] Accented characters in Xe(La)TeX
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon May 31 00:10:43 CEST 2010
Am 30.05.2010 um 23:21 schrieb cfrees at imapmail.org:
> and I get weirdness only for Venturis regular without a location...
> When you say they come from a font service, do you mean from the OS
> font management? Or from TeX's knowledge of fonts?
TeX has no knowledge of available fonts, it trusts in records and
mappings – and then fails... What I meant is the Mac OS X font service
which, I think, XeTeX asks. Similarly on other platforms. Xdvipdfmx
just accepts these results and forwards them into the PDF output.
>> Fontspec also gives you the option to tell XeTeX the particular
>> font file to be used. Try that for ADF Venturis!
> Aha. That works. (I get the usual missing characters but not the
> weirdness.)
So you seem to have a "garbled font cache" – possible cures: clean the
font cache with utilities (you certainly remember from the time when
pdfTeX had this nasty bug) and then reboot, or do a safe reboot (or
such) and then a normal reboot, or install AppleJack and you can clean
the caches, or fix the file systems, before booting into multi-user
mode after a shutdown.
Imbecility, n.:
A kind of divine inspiration, or sacred fire affecting censorious
critics of this dictionary.
– Ambrose Bierce: _The Devil's Dictionary_
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