[OS X TeX] Re: Some beginner questions
Ferguson, Don
fergdc at uleth.ca
Mon May 10 23:06:37 CEST 2010
Greetings "Tim Lahey" <tim.lahey at gmail.com>
On 09/05/2010 at 19:06 you wrote concerning
[OS X TeX] Re: Some beginner questions
Hi Tim,
TL>> VectorDesigner works beautifully for this, as it exports both PDF and EPS of
TL>> whole documents, or just selections from them. But it costs a little bit of
TL>> money, maybe around 70 USD.
TL> I highly recommend VectorDesigner. OmniGraffle is a good choice as well. I
TL> recommend avoiding Lineform. While I think it used to be a great
TL> program, it isn't
TL> really being maintained and I've had a lot of problems with it on the
TL> newer OS versions.
TL> I recently tried to just open an old Lineform document and export it
TL> to PDF and it
TL> crashed every time on the PDF export.
TL> Many people like Intaglio, but I haven't used it.
TL> There's a really nice comparison of the major Mac drawing apps (aside
TL> from Illustrator)
TL> at
TL> http://jonwhipple.com/blog/2008/05/25/drawing-conclusions/
Thank you for the url and the evaluations. The Url should add nicely to my confusion as to which of many solutions I should follow. ;-)
Cheers Don (Green Dragon)
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