[OS X TeX] Latexian: A LaTeX Editor for Mac OS X

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 16:20:00 CEST 2010

On Jul 8, 2010, at 9:44 AM, David Derbes wrote:

> I have written literally hundreds of thousands of words with Dick  
> Koch's TeXShop, which he and the TeXShop team make available for free.

Same here. (Didn't count my words but I don't think I am too far  
behind.... Book 2 is pushing 600 pages)

Not counting the fact that my whole architecture for ancillaries is  
based on TeXShop's invaluable ability to read

	%!TEX root =../FOO/\jobname.tex

> The "on the fly" preview feature offered by Textures and apparently  
> by Latexian

How about Gerhardt's Flashmode?

> is not a bad thing, but nothing prevents me from typesetting any  
> time I want.

which is exactly why I have not felt the urge to use Flashmode. (Not  
to dwell on the fact that I make very many mistakes. But I will try  
when starting work on Book 3.)

And while Latexian's $25 is almost free as in free beer, there is,  
for me, the more important fact that TeXShop is free as in free speech.


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