[OS X TeX] csv2latex

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 17:32:33 CET 2010

On Jan 30, 2010, at 10:46 AM, Alan Munn wrote:

> Hi, this is most likely the problem.  (Just make sure that if  
> you've changed the name from csv2latex to csv2latex.rb you either  
> reflect that change in the Applescript, or change it back so that  
> the Applescript actually calls the correct execuatble.) As the  
> author of csv2latex I'd like to improve the documentation, if  
> possible. The documentation does mention to make sure the file is  
> executable, but perhaps I should make this clearer by giving the  
> exact commands to do so?   Would that have been helpful to you?

Since you asked for it, here comes the installation absolutely,  
totally, ultimately challenged:

1) I downloaded the zip from ctan

2) I am reading "Using csv2latex to paste spreadsheet table cells"

	3 Installation
	Put the ruby script in some location where it can be found. A  
logical place for all users is
	/usr/local/bin. Alternatively, you can put it in a local bin folder / 
Users/<youruser>/bin for
	example. Make sure the file is executable.

3) I can't find .usr/local/bin (I thought there was a way with the  
Finder but couldn't find it) I suspect I need the terminal.

4) I copied the applescript into a TeXShop macro and it comes up but  
then can't find the script. (Of course)

5) I think/hope Ruby 1.8 came with 10.4.11

6) Trade:  If you help make it, I will write it up and you can have  
it. (Nothing like a certified install-challenged to write idiot-proof  
installations instructions)

Sheepish regards

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