[OS X TeX] Font cache problems following Office installation

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Nov 5 20:30:11 CET 2009

Am 05.11.2009 um 18:04 schrieb David Messerschmitt:

> However, the two instances are different in that the original is a  
> TrueType font with four .ttf files and Microsoft's replacement is a  
> single Suitcase file. That is presumably why Font Book recognizes  
> the duplication and claims to be able to shut one off, but  
> apparently Texshop preview can't recognize the difference nor the  
> fact that one has been turned off by Font Book. Oh the joys of user  
> debugging.

And the bigger joy comes from wrong assumptions...

Font Book is almost a font manager. It has to know the file  
containing the font, it has to know the glyphs inside a font, their  
properties, the font's version number, and possible restrictions of  
use (not to be embedded, not allowed to download to a printer, etc.).  
TeXShop just uses a font to some extent. Like Country Joe McDonald 40  
years ago it yells "Give me an F, give me an U, give me ..." and then  
the OS' font service gives what the people wants. Or compare TeXShop  
with a traveller leaving the station in some unknown town, knowing  
just the address of the conference or the hotel. Font Book provides a  
map of the town, the cab driver provides the (font) bring service.  
Mission accomplished.

So TeXShop does not need to know whether a font has duplicates or  
has been disabled recently, it should only receive valid data from  
font service and its cache upon request.


   Pete     === -Q
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