packages in TeXShop (was: Re: [OS X TeX] question regarding spacing after a period)
Alex Hamann
mailinglist at
Thu Mar 12 10:52:59 CET 2009
I am using Texshop on my Mac
1. Do we have to install any packages in Texshop, for making good
power point slide proper,foil,geometry etc...or they are
default in it.
2. how to check what are the packages install in Texshop.....
3. if i want to check about a particular package what is the way to
do it
first of all, please, do not start a new topic by replying to a
different question. This is confusing both for people and for the
automatic thread-sorting some mail programs offer.
Second, the answer to your question:
You do not have to install anything in TeXShop. TS is just the
frontend editor to your underlying TeX distribution and unless you
tell us which one you use (TeTeX, TeXLive, etc.) a definitive answer
is very hard to come up with.
However, concerning your desire to create slides: there are several
ways of achieving this but I think the beamer package would be the
way to go. Note that the resulting slides will be created in pdf, not
in powerpoint file format. Open a terminal window and type
locate beamer.cls
If the file will be found you already have beamer on your system.
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