[OS X TeX] [ANN] TeX Live Utility 0.6

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Sun Jan 11 22:09:10 CET 2009

On Jan 11, 2009, at 8:42 AM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

> On Jan 11, 2009, at 8:33 AM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:
>>> ...
>>> I opened the preference window, got the information I needed and  
>>> tried to close it but it seemed to lock up. All this time the  
>>> server wasn't responding. I assume that this lock up will time out  
>>> after a while but it was a bit confounding.
>> Yeah, it will time out after 30 seconds if the server isn't  
>> responding.  Maybe I should use a shorter timeout, but the point is  
>> to provide some feedback if the URL is entered incorrectly.  Most  
>> people should just use mirror.ctan.org.
>> thanks,
>> Adam
> Howdy,
> Good to know that, I was a bit impatient and 30s isn't all that  
> long. I just didn't expect that closing the preference window would  
> get caught up in that.

I added a sheet with a short message and progress spinner on it for  
the next version.  It also won't trigger the validation unless you  
manually edit the URL field.  Sound better?

> How about Cmd-U for Update Selected Packages and Shift-Cmd-U for  
> Update All Packages? I've set those via System Preferences->Keyboard  
> & Mouse->Keyboard Shortcuts and they seem to work smoothly.

Done.  You can pull from svn and test it if you're bored :).


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