[OS X TeX] citep and citet did not work in MacOSX-TeXShop
Danny Baillie
dbaillie at physics.otago.ac.nz
Fri Feb 27 06:36:03 CET 2009
Thank you very much for your replies.
On 27/02/2009, at 4:44 AM, Herbert Schulz wrote:
"Could you send me a small tex source file and processing
instructions (if done manually) so I can test?"
Yes. I almost gave up, because the problem went away when I got below
2000 lines of latex, but after all day I finally found the following
small example. I'll email the three files directly to your email
address in case you don't use matlab:
In matlab:
laprint (v 3.16) creates two files lmkt.eps and lmkt.tex. laprint is a
free download from http://www.mathworks.de/matlabcentral/fileexchange/4638
Then in latex:
%%!TEX TS-program = latexmk
\begin{figure} \input{lmkt.tex} \caption{} \end{figure}
\begin{figure} \input{lmkt.tex} \caption{} \end{figure}
\begin{figure} \input{lmkt.tex} \caption{} \end{figure}
\begin{figure} \input{lmkt.tex} \caption{} \end{figure}
\begin{figure} \input{lmkt.tex} \caption{} \end{figure}
It doesn't get into it's loop if:
* there are less than five \inputs
* the \inputs aren't in floats
* there are no captions
* the number of x points in the linspace is 1000
* there is only one line in the plot
"What are the processing steps you use to go from pfg->eps? I'll
then be able to tell you the lines to add to the latexmkrc."
I just \input the .tex file that laprint made which has an
\includegraphics to bring in a .eps in it, a \psfragscanon and a bunch
of \psfrag. The automatically generated lmkt.tex is:
I process by just doing typeset by typing Cmd-T within TexShop which
calls latexmk due to the first line in my file above.
"Are you sure its the .pfg file that is causing the problem?"
No, I'm not sure. In fact I think it is unlikely since it seems to be
always zero kb, and I'm not sure why it's even checked by latexmk (not
one of the generated_exts in the perl script and not pushed). I only
suggest that because of the following output:
Latexmk: File "./lmktest.aux" has not changed, so it is valid
Latexmk: File './lmktest.pfg' changed during run. I must rerun latex
Latexmk: Absolute maximum runs of latex reached without finding
stable source files
I'm using TeXShop Version 2.25 and latexmk version 3.08n.
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