[OS X TeX] Lucida

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Feb 5 14:05:21 CET 2009

Am 05.02.2009 um 13:31 schrieb Axel E. Retif:

> But this makes all the more strange the message G. Grätzer is  
> receiving:
>> Package epstopdf Warning: Graphics driver file `pdftex.def' not  
>> loaded
> as he is working in PDF mode.

I think he failed to notice what he was actually doing. And maybe  
it's too complicated for a Mac user to open the LOG file to see


at the beginning in it, which actually is an AUCTeX service, or a  
last line

	Output written on FILE.dvi (x pages, y bytes).

Just made a (silly) test with xelatex:

	Output written on FILE.pdf (x pages).

on the last line and somewhere in the middle:

	Package epstopdf Warning: Graphics driver file `pdftex.def' not loaded.

Certainly not an ideal world, the TeX world!



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