[OS X TeX] Curious xelatex font problem

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at me.com
Sat Sep 6 22:36:38 CEST 2008

Le 6 sept. 08 à 22:21, Reinaert Albrecht a écrit :

> I think you are mistaken. The extra slash shouldn't matter. I  
> corrected it but
> obviously doesn't change anything. You could add a thousand "/"'s  
> and it
> shouldn't matter. The double slashes are in both the shell version  
> and the
> texshop version so there should be something else that matters.

I don't see what can be causing your problem. Here your file compiles  
fine, from either TeXShop or Terminal; for good measure I also checked  
with TeXworks, and your file compiles fine too.

Could you post the output (log file or console output) you get when  
compiling from the command line, and similarly with TeXShop?

You seem to have MacPorts, adding /opt/local/bin at the beginning of  
PATH. Do you have TeX-related stuff installed via MacPorts?

Even if you do, that shouldn't make a difference for TeXShop, whose  
engines add /usr/texbin and /usr/local/bin at the end of PATH, not at  
the beginning.

Could you try "which xelatex" and "kpsewhich xelatex", and tell what  
you get?

You also have ~/bin immediately after /opt/local/bin in PATH. Do you  
have TeX-related stuff there (like a locally compiled SVN version of  

Bruno Voisin

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