[OS X TeX] Re: Leopard MacTeX PATH problems, still

David Airey david.airey at vanderbilt.edu
Sun Mar 23 03:55:10 CET 2008

I hope this is not double posted; sent from wrong account before.

> How do I manually set my PATH variable?
>> Howdy, Do you have a PATH set in a ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile or  
>> ~/.bashrc (I'm assuming you're using bash as your shell in  
>> Terminal)? How about a ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file that sets  
>> the PATH? I'm just wondering if you've got something that is  
>> overriding the one set by / etc/paths+/etc/paths.d/*. By the way do  
>> you have a file /etc/paths.d/ TeX? Good Luck,

I did not find such a file in my home directory:

[AireyDC:~] dairey% ls -a
.			.flexlmrc		.tcsh_history
..			.fonts.cache-1		.texlive2007
.B3			.gimp-2.2		.thumbnails
.CFUserTextEncoding	.gnome2			.webex
.CLC_tmp_lazy1		.inkscape		.xdvirc
.DS_Store		.inkscape-etc		CLC_Data
.MCXLC			.jalview_properties	Desktop
.RData			.java			Documents
.Rhistory		.jin			Downloads
.Trash			.jpi_cache		Library
.Xauthority		.lesshst		Movies
.bash_history		.nsmbrc			Music
.config			.parallels_settings	Pictures
.crash_reportrc		.recently-used		Public
.cups			.rnd			Sites
.cytoscape		.ssh			gsea_home
[AireyDC:~] dairey%

The only profile file I could find was in /etc/, name "profile", with  
the following contents:

# System-wide .profile for sh(1)

export PATH

if [ "${BASH-no}" != "no" ]; then
	[ -r /etc/bashrc ] && . /etc/bashrc

I think my shell is tcsh, and I don't remember choosing it over bash.  
It says tcsh in the window name, and preferences are set to default in  
Terminal preferences.

David C. Airey, Ph.D.
Pharmacology Research Assistant Professor
Center for Human Genetics Research Member

Department of Pharmacology
School of Medicine
Vanderbilt University
Rm 8158A Bldg MR3
465 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37232-8548

TEL   (615) 936-1510
FAX   (615) 936-3747
EMAIL david.airey at vanderbilt.edu
URL   http://people.vanderbilt.edu/~david.c.airey/dca_cv.pdf
URL   http://www.vanderbilt.edu/pharmacology

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