[OS X TeX] Trouble Getting TeXworks to Run on a Mac

David Derbes loki at uchicago.edu
Wed Jul 16 17:08:15 CEST 2008

I had trouble also, but I got it to run. Unfortunately it does not  
seem to know where my oddball packages are kept, and so I can't really  
evaluate it properly.

1. Follow instructions below (about downloading the packages) given by  
the earlier poster.

2. Assuming that the TeXworks application did not work at first, you  
need to install the libraries. The locations of the libraries may be  
troublesome, because you cannot see where they are supposed to be  
placed. To get around this, start Terminal (which is in Applications/ 
Utilities on your System Disk if you haven't done this before.) Double  
click on it as usual, and you will get a window that looks like an old  
MS-DOS window (but of course it's Unix.) This is a command-line prompt.

3. In the Terminal application,
       type defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE  
(followed by Enter)
      Type killall Finder (Enter)

4. All the hidden files, directories, etc will now be visible in the  
Finder. You then navigate to the appropriate folders as indicated on  
the second package you downloaded. For example, one folder is titled  
"into /Library/Frameworks" and you should find the formerly hidden  
folder on your System Disk /Library/Frameworks. Put the three folders  
Qt... into this folder. Move the other folder "into /usr/local/lib"
into the /usr/local/lib folder on your System Disk.

5. Go back to Terminal, and type
  defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE (followed by  
  killall Finder (Enter)

(this re-hides the hidden files which you probably don't want to see.)

and the TeXworks should now run.

This worked for me, and I hope it does for you.

David Derbes
U of Chicago Laboratory Schools

On Jul 16, 2008, at 9:53 AM, Iraj Kalantari wrote:

> This note is requesting help for getting TeXworks to work on a Mac  
> (Tiger + TeX Distribution showing in System Preferences + TexShop  
> runs smoothly).
> Daniel wrote:
>> go to http://code.google.com/p/texworks/downloads/list
>> download TeXworksOSX-r103.zip
>> unzip and try to launch TeXworks
>> if it doesn't launch, you need the libraries. Same website,  
>> download TeXworksOSX-libs-20080714.zip Move the libraries as  
>> indicated
> I did that.
> The instructions about the libraries are:
> 1) On an unzipped folder: "into ;Library;Frameworks"
> I created a folder inside the "Library" folder, named it  
> "Frameworks" and put in it the files inside the unzipped folder.
> 2) On another unzipped folder: "into ;usr;local;lib"
> I took this to mean: find the folder "usr" and inside of it the  
> folder "local" and inside of that a folder "lib" and put the files  
> from the arriving folder into that.  I noted that I have no "usr"  
> folder (and might that be the problem? lacking other files?).  So I  
> created one inside the "Library" and followed up; TeXworks did not  
> run (it refused to launch).  I created such a folder inside my own  
> user folder (neighbor to the Library folder), that did not work  
> either.
> What is to be done?
> Thank you, in advance, for your advice.
> Iraj.
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