[OS X TeX] How to prevent word hyphenation or force line break in table of contents
scheissenochmal2003 at yahoo.de
scheissenochmal2003 at yahoo.de
Sat Aug 30 22:16:14 CEST 2008
For a quick and dirty fix, you can use
\section[The Lotka-Volterra Theory for the Growth of Two \\ Conflicting
Populations]{The Lotka-Volterra Theory for the Growth of Two Conflicting
The optional argument in [] is used for TOC generation.
You can achieve the same by using \section*{yoursection} and
\addtocontentsline{toc}{section}{yoursection-as-in-toc}, but probably
you will need to increase the section counter as well.
Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
> My publisher, as I imagine publishers often do, has made yet another
> request that I have struggled with, and that is with regards to the
> table of contents. They don't want any word breaks to occur in the
> table, or for that matter section headings throughout the book in
> general. In the particular case in point, the section that causes the
> problem is:
> \section{The Lotka-Volterra Theory for the Growth of Two Conflicting
> Populations}
> In the text, this gets broken nicely between Two and Conflicting. In the
> table of contents however, LaTeX changes breaks the line up by
> hyphenating at Pop-ulations. What I would really like to do is tell
> LaTeX to break between Conflicting and Populations, but all my numerous
> attempts have not succeeded.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Haris Skiadas
> Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
> Hanover College
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