[OS X TeX] \includegraphics question

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Fri Nov 30 14:21:07 CET 2007

Le 29 nov. 07 à 10:47, Bruno Voisin a écrit :

> - For such manipulations, a very useful add-on is epspdf by Siep  
> Kroonenberg from this list and available at <http://tex.aanhet.net/epspdf/ 
> >. It's essentially a GUI for the xpdf tools, dealing with  
> conversions between EPS and PDF. I haven't attempted to install it  
> on Leopard yet, but I don't think any problem should arise. Don't  
> forget to get also epspdf.app, allowing epspdf to be launched as an  
> application from the Finder.

It seems I talked too fast, regarding compatibility with Leopard.

Just installed, on Leopard, xpdf-tools-3.dmg then:

- Uncompressed epspdf.0.2.12.tgz and moved the epspdf directory to / 

- Uncompressed epspdf_app.0.2.01.zip and moved the two files  
epspdf.app and epspdf.applescript to /Applications/epspdf/.

Bu that doesn't seem to work: every time I launch epspdf.app, I get  
the warning "No PostScript- or pdf viewer found" and the View button  
is dimmed.

I did create a file /usr/local/bin/epspdf containing:

/Applications/epspdf/epspdf.rb $*

and took care the set the executable bit to true (namely, "sudo chmod a 
+x epspdf"). But, as might have been anticipated, that has no effect  
on the problem.

One thing I noticed, after looking at epspdfrc.rb, is that no file  
~/.epspdfrc is created. Could this be related? If I interpret  
correctly these lines from epspdf.rb:

if not $settings.pdf_viewer
   Tk.messageBox( :icon=>'warning', :type=>'ok', :message =>
     "No PostScript- or pdf viewer found" )

the warning is issued when the pdf_viewer variable isn't set, right?

Bruno Voisin

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