[OS X TeX] Using gtamacfonts on Leopard
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Nov 22 10:19:39 CET 2007
Am 22.11.2007 um 00:22 schrieb Bruno Voisin:
> Hence it seems either a bug in Fondu, or a bug in pdfTeX which
> couldn't deal with the .ttf files produced by Fondu.
This could also be a "bug" in the font itself: the glyph's name
rectified. Then /usr/local/gwTeX/texmf.gwtex/fonts/enc/dvips/
gtamacfonts/ec-hoefler.enc would need an update on Leopard. Or it's
from \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}: does the TeX file fail the same way
with LY1 and T1 input encoding?
If you have Apple's Font Tools installed, this might (because I am
still with Tiger) dump the glyph names from the CMAP table:
ftxdumperfuser -G -t cmap -A d -p -u HoeflerText.ttf
where HoeflerText.ttf is a sym-link in the current writable working
directory (otherwise ftxdumperfuser would create "Hoefler
Text.cmap.xml" in the directory where the font file is).
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