[OS X TeX] --- .neq m-dash

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Sat Jun 9 14:54:57 CEST 2007

Le 9 juin 07 à 14:05, Robert Spence a écrit :

> Also, you need
> \usepackage{xunicode}
> and/or
> \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}
> ... I forget which one actually does the trick...

xunicode transforms LaTeX's explicit non-ASCII character calls (such  
as \'e, \`a, \textemdash, \textbullet and so forth), generally  
implemented as macros at the TeX level, into calls to the  
corresponding Unicode characters.

Mapping=tex-text transforms LaTeX's implicit non-ASCII characters  
calls (such as --, ---, and similarly for the Spanish inverted  
question and exclamation marks -- I don't remember the input for  
them), generally implemented as ligatures as the font metrics level,  
into calls to the corresponding Unicode characters.

The technical terminology above is probably erroneous, but I hope you  
get the idea.

Bruno Voisin
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