[OS X TeX] Missed Lyx Files with MacTeX 2007 TeX

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Feb 28 18:58:32 CET 2007


Here is one way to fix things up for Lyx with a MacTeX 2007  
distribution; at least until Lyx-installer.app is fixed.

Basically there are three folders that Lyx needs access too: one has  
special class files for Lyx; one is the preview package; the last one  
is the srcltx package, which is used for synchronization between the  
dvi file and the source.

To put these where they will be found by TeX do the following:
1)Ctl-(or Right-)click on Lyx-installer.app and choose `Show Package  
Contents' from the contextual menu.
2)Open the Contents and then Resources folder.
3)Copy the lyx, preview and srcltx folders to the desktop.
4)Move those folders to ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/LyxFiles/, creating  
folders as you go if they don't already exist.

That should be it. Hope this gets it all working.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)

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