[OS X TeX] Modified simpdftex for DVIPDFM and DVIPDFMx

Jin-Hwan Cho chofchof at ktug.or.kr
Tue Feb 6 07:07:23 CET 2007

I'd like to introduce "simpdftex_dpmx", a modified version of
"simpdftex" in MacTeX-20061110. The only change is to allow
using DVIPDFM and DVIPDFMx as well as DVIPS+distiller.

Without any option, the default DVIPS+distiller will be used.
If "--dpx" option is attached, DVIPDFMx will be used to generate
PDF from DVI. On the other hand, "--dpm" option is attached,
DVIPDFM will be used.

It can be downloaded from the following URL:


Installation is simple. Just replace /usr/local/teTeX/bin/.../simpdftex
with the attached file (after renaming the filename).

The program might be useful for TeX users who need to use DVIPDFM
or DVIPDFMx in some cases. I hope the author of simpdftex check
the program.

Best, ChoF.

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